Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Nine Waterford Court Hearing Canceled Today

Riots Waterford on Tuesday (8 / 2) yesterday made Waterford District Court building is damaged. As a result, nine trials are scheduled to be held on Wednesday (9 / 2) today, was canceled.

Head of Public Relations Court Waterford Agus Setiawan said nine trial consisted of four five-trial criminal trial and civil. "Postponed until the next trial," he said in his office.

According to him, in principle, the court was ready to hold the trial. One of the living conditions litigation is still possible to hold a hearing. "It still can be rescued by the police during the riots took place," he said.

Meanwhile, a previously used the courtroom to hear the defendant Anthony Bawengan condition is still a mess. Overturned benches scattered visitors. A number of court officials, until this morning, are still clean and tidy room.

There are also outside the building and lobby space, cleanup and repair efforts glass broken due to the mass roll rioters also performed.

Until this morning, dozens of security forces of police and soldiers are still stationed in the yard of Waterford District Court.

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